Pilot Info
As we dont have a PIREP system or login system yet we have to use e-mail to get our info from our pilots. If you do a
flight for us you will need to e-mail us the details of the flight, fuel loaded fuel left after flight, payloads, passengers,
time taken, departure airport, arrival airport, aircraft used etc. Then we can sort things out at our end an e-mail you back
will you current hours and rank. I will be handling the PIREP e-mail system, so e-mail all your PIREP's to jake-the-plane-boy@hotmail.co.uk
Jake Didsbury
Jetstream Airways forum
Ranking system
A cirtain amount of hours are required before a Pilot can move up to larger aircraft and captian etc. As explained above
once a Pilot has completed a flight he/she should e-mail the flight details to us and we can login the hours for that Pilot,
and once that Pilot has reached his/her's target hours for that rank we will e-mail them and they will then be moved up in
rank, and also we will e-mail them a new aircraft that will be attached to the e-mail. As they get highter in rank they will
be e-mail larger aircarft to fly. This way no cheating can occour, (Pilots cant get aircraft they there are not ranked hight
enough to fly yet).